
Habits That Drive Away Partner
Habits That Drive Away Partner
Habits That Drive Away Partner
Becoming comfortable in a relationship is not necessarily a bad thing, but when you find yourself taking advantage of the commitment and stop working at your relationship, that's when you could find trouble.
What Makes You Unprofessional
What Makes You Unprofessional
What Makes You Unprofessional
Whether you work in an office cubicle or wait tables at a diner, there are some things that we all have done at one time or another that makes us look unprofessional.
Everyone's a comedian at work
Everyone's a comedian at work
Everyone's a comedian at work
If you have ever wondered what makes one employee more of a favorite with the boss over someone else it could be that they have a nice sense of humor. A new survey was done and most bosses say that, at some level, a sense of humor is a great quality to have as an employee. ...
Your boss is judging your desk
Your boss is judging your desk
Your boss is judging your desk
I'm sure it is no surprise that having a messy desk can make you look unprofessional. But, I am sure this will surprise you too...a clean desk can be unprofessional as well. I'm going to call this the "Marriage Study" because you can't win...
Great app for work
Great app for work
Great app for work
Anyone who says that they don't have at least one annoying co-worker must work from home. Here is the perfect way to get annoying co-workers away from you. The worst part about annoying co-workers is that no matter how many times you hint that you can't deal with them, they don't get it...
Spending Lunch Away From Desk
Spending Lunch Away From Desk
Spending Lunch Away From Desk
Like many of us, I definitely don't take full advantage of my lunch hour at work. Only twenty percent of people even step away from their desks during this time.

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