What You Should Be Doing In The Shower
Every male- or female- oriented magazine and website will have opinions about your hygiene. How else would you learn what to do and not to do? Most things you learn by looking them up! Bustle has a list of a few things that you may not know that you should be doing in your shower.
- Tweezing if you groom your facial hair, is probably less painful if you do it in the shower. The hot steam will soften your pores making the hair slip out easier for you.
- Scrubbing your feet because about 28 percent of people don't regularly clean their feet (and no, just water running over them in the shower doesn't count).
- Giving your whole body a facial with a body scrub. This will help you clean off dead skin cells and can even help with body acne.
A lot can be done in the little time that it takes for you to shower. You can practically come out of there as a new person!
(via Bustle)