Know Yourself Before Getting Into A Relationship
The saying goes "how can you expect someone to love you if you don't love yourself". While true, how also can someone really get to know you before you even know yourself, too. Bustle makes a point to say that you need to know some things about yourself before you get into a relationship.
- What your deal breakers are because if you don't know what they are, nothing will really make you say no or give you pause about a relationship.
- Your level of self-worth is a huge thing to figure out because if you jump into a relationship, you need to know what you do and do not deserve from someone else.
- If and when you'll be able to compromise which can be tricky to figure out, but what are somethings that you just have to have going forward in life. Whether it's your inability to compromise where you want to live in five years, or whether or not you have to have a dog versus a cat when you settle down. Somethings can be compromised on, others just can't.
When you get into a relationship, knowing yourself is part of what you bring to the table, if you're unsure then your new partner will be unsure, too.
(via Bustle)