Most Common Tattoos To Get After A Break-Up
If you've recently gone through a break-up, perhaps this year you'll be gifting yourself a new tattoo. According to tattoo artists, Bustle says that these are the most common tattoos that people tend to get after a break-up.
- A cover-up of a previous tattoo that you had done probably relating to the person that you had been dating. Long-term relationships sometimes feel like they are going to last forever so you get a tattoo to commemorate them, but when they fade away, you still have that tattoo.
- A quote that could mean something to you now that you're single and feeling a lot of different emotions because of the break-up. Music can both help you through a tough time and empower you to get back out there, so getting a quote or some lyrics tattooed on you might seem like a great idea.
- Bird-related imagery because you're suddenly feeling free like a bird released from its' cage. I totally get it! If you find yourself with a new sense of freedom, the symbolism is definitely relevant.
Whether your new found freedom is a good thing in your life or a sad one, needing a change and wanting to get a tattoo is totally normal. Hopefully if you decide to get one, you will like it even when you're no longer mourning the end of your relationship.
(via Bustle)