Only 9% of us who make New Year's resolutions, keep them. So, I found a couple resolutions that we can do that are easy and ones that we will actually keep.

1) Only eat when sitting down. We tend to eat mindlessly and "graze" more when we are standing up, drive, or on the couch. Sitting down at a table encourages us to be present and eat with more focus.

2) Take the stairs at work. If you are only going up a flight or two, make a promise to yourself that you will take the stairs and give your legs and lungs a little workout mid-day.

3) Sign up for a 5K. Not a runner? Walk. The very act of signing up for a race will make you more accountable to lace up your sneakers and train for it.

4) Start a journal. You don't have to write pages and pages. You don't even have to write in it every day. But honestly jotting down your thoughts, emotions, goals, and hopes can be very healing to our souls.

5) Give up soda. You don't have to completely rid your diet of all sugar and processed foods (although, that's great if you do), but replacing soda with water each day will make a huge difference in your health.

Good Luck!


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