What’s Preventing You From Meeting The One?
The road to finding your "right" person can be long and bumpy, but does it have to be? Bustle says that there are some things that you could be doing that are preventing you from finding "the one".
- Having unrealistic expectations about who your true love is suppose to be. Do they have to be a microbiologist? Can they be a microbrewer instead? Be more open-minded about who could be your best fit!
- Feeling as though you need to change which is normal because everyone has insecurities, but that should not stop you from seeking out love. Comparing yourself to people who are "better" will only hurt you. Try to find people who can accept you for exactly who you are now.
- Having a timeline for how your life should play out is unrealistic because life doesn't always work that way. Some people find the love of their life at sixteen, some find it at fifty-six. You never know how things will play out, so go with the flow and see where life takes you.
If you really want a relationship, you have to open yourself up to that possibility and not keep yourself in a box of woulds, shoulds, and coulds about who you should be dating and when you both could be moving the relationship forward.
(via Bustle)