Tax Cuts Proposed in Broome and Binghamton Budgets
Both Broome County Executive Jason Garnar and Binghamton Mayor Richard David are projecting property tax cuts in their proposed budgets.
In Binghamton, the mayor proposes more street and infrastructure improvements, spending a total of $94.5 million while reducing the property tax rate 1.01%, .5% for business properties.
The Mayor is also looking for a $12 million grant to improve Main Street from Johnson City to Front Street.
The Republican also cited support for public safety and enhancing the City, making it attractive to visitors, new development and new residents.
The $385 million Broome County budget would reduce the property tax rate point-four-nine-five percent, the first cut in property taxes proposed in 14 years.
What is staying the same is the much-debated sales tax formula. The County and municipalities have been at odds for years about how to split revenues coming in from sales taxes in Broome, a fight that has become further complicated over recent years with the change in purchasing habits away from local stores in favor of online shopping.
Executive Jason Garnar, meanwhile, is promoting jobs programs saying there are hundreds of unfilled positions in the workforce. The Democrat is also looking to expand his small community grant program that has been used for such things as developing projects in Deposit, Windsor, Conklin and the Town of Fenton.
Legislators and City Council members have the next few weeks to comb over the budgets before setting final ledgers in place by November.
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