Would you step over your own mother for a pizza? Have you ever left a date early to go and get pizza? Do your loved ones consider your love of pizza creepy or unhealthy? If you answered 'Yes' to those questions then you are...Louie G!

I do love my pizza! I love it so much that I have my very own pizza warmer bag like the ones pizza delivery people use. I mean, you just never know when you're going to need one. So, some co-workers wanted to see just how much I love pizza. They questioned if it was just lip service, or the real deal.

And so, my co-workers arranged a blind pizza taste test to see if I would be able to tell the difference between different Binghamton area pizza shops.

I kicked ass in my taste test, even though there was one pizza that tripped me up, but I think I recovered pretty well. Watch the video and let me know if you agree.


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