Justin Bieber Banned From People’s Republic of China For ‘Bad Behavior’
Justin Bieber may be a global superstar, but that doesn't mean he's welcome in every corner of the world.
The Canadian pop star has been banned from performing in China, according to a statement posted on the Beijing culture department's web site.
"As far as we are concerned, [Bieber] has engaged in a series of bad behaviors, both in his social life and during a previous performance in China, which caused discontent among the public," reads the message, according to The Guardian.
Fortunately, there is hope for Chinese Beliebers yet: The statement also says that Bieber may find "public favor" once more.
"We hope Justin Bieber is able to improve his conduct as he grows up and will once again find public favor," it reads.
Bieber joined artists like Bjork and Bob Dylan, who are also banned from performing in the People's Republic of China.
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