Jackie Nutt Becomes A Mom!
If any of you have pets, you understand the special bond that is formed and the true love you develop for your pet, almost like a child! You're probably thinking that you can't love your pet anymore than you do now, it's IMPOSSIBLE, and that's what I thought... until yesterday.
I have three dogs; an 8-year-old lab, Jax, a 6-year-old Pitbull, Nikko, and a 1.5-year-old Toy Fox Terrier named Lola! I don't have kids either so I look at these three dogs as my children and treat them as such (which maybe crazy to some of you, but i don't care!)
I took my little one, Lola, for a walk yesterday in a nearby park. As most parents say "I turned my head for 1 second" ... and that's all it took. Lola started choking on a stick she had found and could not breath whatsoever. I started jamming my finger down her throat (sorry if that's gross) and patting her back to try and relieve the stick, but nothing was working. On my way to the emergency vet I finally got the stick out and she started to breath normal.
Hands down scariest moment of my life, EVER!!
I ran out of my apartment with no shoes, no wallet, no leash, barely got my apartment locked and sped to the vet. After she started feeling better, I started breathing and not crying is when I realized how much I think of her as my child. I immediately jumped into a mom, panic mode and did anything and everything I could to try and save her, all while completely balling my eyes out and terrified.
It was yesterday, during the scariest moment of my life that I, Jackie Nutt, became the mommy to one Lola, and not a puppy mommy, but a true mom! <3