Big or small, it seems that most of us lie on a daily basis. In fact, according to a new survey, 60% of people lie at least once in a 10 minute conversation with someone.

How can you tell if someone is lying? The old joke, "How can you tell if a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving." It's not quite that simple. But, according to, here are some ways to tell if someone is lying:

1. Look at body language in context
If you ask a pointed question and the other person starts fidgeting, you could be hearing a lie. Tapping a foot or drumming a finger on a desk can indicate a lie in progress--unless the person doing that fidgeting does this sort of thing all the time. Body language will tell you a lot about whether someone is telling the truth--or not--but you need a baseline for that person's nonverbals or it won't mean anything.

If you're talking with someone new, first discuss mundane topics, such as the weather, sports or movies. Then ask the loaded question. "Even if they're trying to maintain composure, the feet don't lie," Glass told "The truth leaks out through their feet."

2. Look for personal grooming
When someone grooms himself or his surroundings, it can indicate a discomfort with what he is telling you. "They're dressing themselves up to look more presentable, so you'll buy into what they're saying," explains Houston.

3. Listen for verbal loopholes
Houston calls them "exclusionary qualifiers"--a fancy way of saying someone is hedging on what he is saying. For example, if you hear "fundamentally" or "I think" at the beginning of a sentence, it gives the speaker a bit more latitude for telling the truth.

Hopefully these tips help you to spot a liar.


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