Happy International Polar Bear Day! No matter how you feel about climate change, our polar bear friends do need our help. Bustle has some wonderful ways that we can start helping them today!

  • Take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle whether that means recycling more consistently, eating less meat or just investing in energy-efficient light bulbs for your house. These changes can be minor to you, but if more people do them then the impact can be massive.
  • Support politicians who have an active stance on climate change as they are the ones who can pass legislation that can change the world for better and help us save this planet for future generations.
  • Tell your friends and family by using two hashtags today: #PolarBearDay and #SaveOurSeaIce. Raising awareness for the issues concerning climate change can help others start to make a difference today and for the rest of their lives.

Polar bears are just trying to survive, and there is so much that we can do to help them. Little changes go a long way, and sharing those changes with your friends on social media can inspire them to make those changes as well.

(via Bustle)

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