Have the Happiest Year Ever!
We are one month into 2017, and you have probably already given up on your resolutions from the new year. That doesn't mean you have to be in another rut this year. Here are a few ways to still have the best, happiest year yet.
- Start a journal and write in it every day! You can talk about your day, or just jot down some things that you saw or thought about, or things that made you happy throughout the day.
- Exercise which cannot be stressed enough because the endorphins that your body rewards you with after a good workout can really make you feel great!
- Send more cards, letter writing and writing thank you notes are slowly becoming lost arts. Bring them back by writing a thank you note to your mother or grandmother, or even a close friend, just to show gratitude for having them in your life. You will be surprised how something so little like that will do so much good for someone else.
- Put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" at night which I am sure will be hard for a lot of us (myself included), but I can promise you that nothing exciting happens between midnight and seven in the morning that is worth disrupting your sleep over.
- Buy flowers for yourself as a way to brighten up the space around you. It's one of the simplest ways to brighten up your mood and your living space.
Happiness is a skill that you can build, so let's work on making ourselves happier this year.
(via Brit.co)