Do Not Read This If You Don’t Want To Feel Old
I remember watching Beverly Hills, 90210 religiously. I remember buying the soundtrack to the TV show and trying to grow sideburns too.
Well, if you are like me then be prepared to feel really old right now.
This will make you feel old. According to, remember Luke Perry - the main heartthrob from TV's Beverly Hills 90210? Well he's back on the front cover of a magazine - but now is mugging for AARP (American Association of Retired Persons).
Perry turned 50 earlier this month officially putting him in the group's demo. Of those who used to tune in on Wednesday nights back in the 1990s, one just Tweeted: "You just made a whole generation of people who thought they were still young very depressed."
[via: CNET]
I'm sorry for making you feel old this morning. But, look on the bright side...OK, maybe there isn't a bright side. Have a great time having dinner at 3PM.