Different Ways to Spread Love This Week
While Valentine's Day is typically seen as a day for romantic love, that isn't the only kind of love that we have for others. So even if you don't have anyone to love romantically this week, Buzzfeed has a few ways that you can spread love for everyone else in your life.
- Spoil your pet with his or her favorite treat, a trip in the car, by playing fetch in the backyard, a rare chance to lay on the couch with you, whatever you can think your pet would love to do with you.
- Host a potluck where everyone can share their favorite dish. You may very well learn more about your friends and loved ones when you bring them all together over food.
- Offer to babysit for your sibling or friend so that they can enjoy a night off with their significant other. You'll be able to have some fun and get to watch Disney films without fear of judgment!
- Pay it forward while you're getting your morning coffee and pay for the person behind you. Hopefully, people will keep it up and pay for the person behind them the rest of the day!
- Bake some sweets for your co-workers, trust me, no one will complain about that. Try a new recipe out or stick to your best one!
Whether you're with someone this week or not, Valentine's day is about all kinds of love, so spread it all over and make someone's day a little bit brighter.
[via BuzzFeed]