The holidays are a time of giving, and while each holiday has their own traditions, gift-giving is a very common theme for this time of year. In fact, you’re probably trying to figure out the perfect gift for someone right now as you read this. So, what are you thinking of getting them? A toy? Jewelry? Something one-of-a-kind? Well, then I have one more question to ask you: Where are you going to get it? 

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Simply enough, large companies and online stores usually will have any generic present you can think of. The most popular toys, the trendiest clothes, the shiniest jewelry; all of it is just a simple click away. But, wouldn’t it mean more if you gave someone a special present unlike any other? Well, you’ll have an easier time finding something by ordering from a smaller company. 

Simply enough, there’s probably plenty of small shops in your area that struggle to get by and have some special and unique gifts. In fact, I have a pin on my own jacket that my girlfriend got me during a trip from a local shop, and I have yet to see another one like it. Sometimes it’s nice to get a present that stands out, to get a gift that’s more “you” than the mass-produced gifts advertised everywhere. 

As well, there are plenty of online shops to get the perfect customized gifts. This is a busy time for artists and craft-makers, and usually they’ll have plenty of sales up for their commissions, and possibly even have more inventory than normal to prep for their orders. It’s a great way to both give those you care about a gift, as well as small business owners trying to fulfill their dreams or even just get by. 

All-in-all, the perfect gift for everyone is out there somewhere. Don’t get upset if you don’t see it at a department store or mall though, take the time to check local businesses and independent creators online too. 

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