Why Do Buffalo Bills Fans Literally Smash Themselves Into Tables?
What’s up with members of the Bills Mafia hurling themselves on top of tables all of the time?
If your social media feeds are like mine, then they’re filled with videos of members of the Bills Mafia smashing their bodies into tables – literally throwing their bodies on top of tables and if a table breaks, tailgaters go absolutely bananas with screams, clapping, and high-fives. But why? Why do they do this?
I had to get to the bottom of why a bunch of rowdy football fans would get so excited about body-slamming tables because well I’m a Philadelphia Eagles fan. To the best of my knowledge, the worst thing my team has done is thrown snowballs at poor Santa.
For the last seven or so years, crazy Buffalo Bills fans have taken things to ridiculous heights by literally hurling themselves onto folding tables and then going out of their ever-loving minds by screaming and cheering and high-fiving after the act has been completed. It really is such a bizarre thing to see.
While there's no solid answer as to when, why, or exactly how this tradition began, some Reddit users claim an overly excited fan was filmed throwing himself onto a table back in 2015 or 2016, and other people decided to do the same.
I guess you have to be a Bills fan to understand what would compel a person to stand atop a high place like the back of a pickup truck or the top of a Porta Potty or even the very top of an RV as seen in the video below and then smashing into a folding table.
The mom in me watches the videos with concern, wondering about broken bones, or worse, concussions, but for hardcore Bills fans, it's just another way to celebrate their team while tailgating.
The Buffalo Bills franchise does not condone the act of body-slamming into folding tables. As a matter of fact, they prohibit it- but that’s not stopping determined fans from doing it.
My crazy friend Kadie at our sister station in Buffalo didn't want to be left out and so she joined the crowd and literally flung herself onto a table. Apparently, it was exhilarating (and I was super happy to see that she wore a helmet).
So, there you have it – someone somewhere threw themself at a table, people thought it was awesome and a trend was born.
Kind of makes pelting snowballs at Santa Claus look tame.
Speaking of the Buffalo Bills, did you know the team got its name from a guy named Buffalo Bill Cody, a legendary Indian Scout who helped to trailblaze the American Frontier? Read that story and discover how other football teams got their names!