Why Aren’t Women Proposing More?
In an age where you can marry someone of the same sex or another sex, why is it that it seems like women are still not proposing to their male partners? Bustle investigated this interesting conundrum.
A 2017 Survey done by the wedding website The Knot, said that of 14,000 engaged heterosexual couples, less than one percent of those engagements were done by women. Why is that?
Of course, I did not propose to my fiancé, he proposed to me, and that was because he had a very strong opinion on the matter. I imagine that it was partially due to tradition (his father proposed to his mother, his grandfather to his grandmother, etc.). I'll be honest though, I was growing pretty impatient because I just wanted to be engaged already!
Studies are showing that while women may not be proposing more, there has been many more conversations between partners regarding the proposal and the ring, so women are certainly much more involved than ever in the forward-motion of their relationships.
It may not be certain why more women aren't getting down on one knee, but we are definitely making sure that we have a say in the proposal, so that's still pretty great.
(via Bustle)
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