rock girl

$1K Can Be Yours Just For Watching ‘Shark Week’
$1K Can Be Yours Just For Watching ‘Shark Week’
$1K Can Be Yours Just For Watching ‘Shark Week’
Tis' the season of 'Shark Week'.  This year though, on top of watching dives and jumps and attacks, you can also make a nice chunk of change. One thousand dollars could be yours just for watching 'Shark Week'.  According to Thrillist, someone is going to be lucky enough to get $1000 and perks for watching when 'Shark Week' kicks off on August 9th...
And Now, Your Dog Can Curse Too
And Now, Your Dog Can Curse Too
And Now, Your Dog Can Curse Too
Now, you don't have to be the only one ticked off and throwing out profanities.  Man's best friend can join in on the fun too. Dogs are already perfect, let's face it.  They're loyal, they're active, they're cuddly, they're cute, they're protective ...
This is Really One of the Most Common Languages in New York?
This is Really One of the Most Common Languages in New York?
This is Really One of the Most Common Languages in New York?
English and Spanish aside, what do you think is the most common language in New York?  Well, it's definitely not one that I expected. Business Insider did an article about the most common languages in each state, excluding English and Spanish...
Make Up To $100,000 working at Taco Bell
Make Up To $100,000 working at Taco Bell
Make Up To $100,000 working at Taco Bell
I will gladly take $100,000 (and hopefully all the free tacos I can get). I'm usually impressed with Taco Bell late night on a Friday or Saturday, after hitting the drive-through on Wolf Road.  But to be honest, this most recent news article I caught is pretty impressive as well...
It’s Now Illegal to Stage A Car Crash for Insurance in NY
It’s Now Illegal to Stage A Car Crash for Insurance in NY
It’s Now Illegal to Stage A Car Crash for Insurance in NY
This is just becoming a crime?  Because I thought fraud was already a felony. Apparently, according to news channel 6, staging a car for insurance fraud is now a crime which can be charged as a felony.  Seems to me like this should have been a thing all along...