
Louie G looks like a lady
Louie G looks like a lady
Louie G looks like a lady
I have never said that it is easy being a woman, but apparently someone thought I did. Because, now I am in charge of trying different girly things.
Sexy Duckface is out
Sexy Duckface is out
Sexy Duckface is out
If I have seen one photo of someone making the duckface I've seen a million! Good news if you roll your eyes like I do at the's over.
When do men lose fashion?
When do men lose fashion?
When do men lose fashion?
No one has ever accused me of being bright or fashionable. And, according to a new study, I am breaking all sorts of fashion rules for someone my age.
Boxer or brief?
Boxer or brief?
Boxer or brief?
I think that thongs should be ONLY worn by women. But, apparently, 2% of men didn't get that memo! I have to say that I am surprised that there are guys at all that wear thongs.

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