New York Launches New Mosquito-Borne Disease Awareness Push
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says more people need to be informed of the danger of an increase in diseases that are carried by mosquitoes.
The state is launching a new campaign to boost awareness of mosquito-borne diseases as the blood-sucking pests re-emerge in the summer months.
The Governor says a goal is to help families avoid sickness while enjoying the outdoors.
The New York State Department of Health is putting out a seasonal advisory to health care providers and local health departments with information about symptoms of West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and Zika.
Residents are advised to cover all skin when they head outside, including wearing long sleeves and long pants, applying insect repellent as per product directions, make sure screens are in place and in good repair and make sure there are no standing pools of water around the yard. Vegetation should be also be kept trimmed back.
Veterinarians are also getting information about protecting pets and livestock for diseases they could contract from mosquito bites.
More information on mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases can be found at