2017 is quickly approaching, and with the new year many want to find a new job/career! But it can be difficult, especially in this economy to even get a call back. So Wild 104 is going to help!

PR Newswire just conducted a survey where they interviewed CFO's and CEO's on peoples interview skills and what really stands out for them! But first you need to get that interview, and that all starts with a resume.

Photo: Anatoly Vartanov
Photo: Anatoly Vartanov

Making a resume can be difficult because many have a certain way they like it formatted, but everyone is different! Regardless, here are the four most common ways people screw up on their resume..

  1. You don't customize it for the job you're applying for
  2. You have typos or grammatical mistakes...
  3. You focus too much on your job duties and not your accomplishments
  4. You have too much irrelevant info.

Now if you get past the resume/application phase and move onto the interview phase, then there is even more you need to be aware of!!! Now after reading through the list, someone these things surprised me as being the biggest things to blow interviews. But if anyone knows, it's the CEO's & CFO's!

So the six ways you can completely blow an interview!

  1. Not knowing enough about the company
  2. Not being prepared to discuss your skills and experience
  3. Not being prepared to talk about career goals
  4. Showing no enthusiasm towards the job
  5. Showing up late...
  6. Not making eye contact

Of course you can screw up the interview a million different ways hahah but it is important to be cautious of these six points! There are more tips & tricks to your resume/interviewing just take a look at the survey from PR Newswire, here!

[VIA: PRNewswire ]

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