Cuomo Plans Full Reopening for New York State Beachgoers
Earlier today during a press conference at Sahlen Field in Buffalo, Governor Cuomo was optimistic about a full reopening of New York State's beaches and public swimming pools by mid-summer.

How My Mom Said Hello After She Died
Just because I can't see her, that doesn't mean she isn't here with me -- and thankfully, not afraid to show it.

Mom Posts Hilarious Night Cam Video of Sleeping With a Baby
One mom decided to find out why she wasn't feeling so refreshed after a night's sleep and let the house's security camera run while she slept with her baby at her side.

Western New York Deli Selling ‘Adult Lunchables’
Spotted on Reddit over the weekend, there's one local deli with a great idea we hope takes off.

People Are Accidentally Throwing Out Their Stimulus Payments
Americans are accidentally throwing out their stimulus money because they look like junk mail.

You’re Not Officially Late, Until You’re This Many Minutes Late
Add in a global pandemic, with millions of people working from home, and Casual Friday became Casual Everyday.

PBS Cancels ‘Caillou’ as Parents Everywhere Rejoice
I'm not sure there's a children's television character more loathed than fictional Canadian 4-year-old, Caillou.

If Your Hand Sanitizer Freezes in Your Car Overnight, Toss It
Now that it's winter, you might wonder if it's ok to keep your hand sanitizer in the car.
The short answer is -- yes it's ok. However, if your hand sanitizer freezes -- you've got a bigger problem.

New York State Police ‘Click It Or Ticket’ Campaign Has Begun
The annual road safety campaign targeted at drivers who aren't using seat belts is underway throughout New York state.

Three Apps You Need To Take Amazing Fall Photos on Your iPhone
We are homeschooling, so that means everything is a learning opportunity. We've been studying photography in art at homeschool, so I introduced the kids to these three apps you need to take stunning fall photos.