You may remember the dress color fad that went viral... was it a white and gold dress or a blue and black dress?! Personally, I saw white and gold, but it raised a great topic throughout the internet on why we see/perceive colors differently.

dress color

Well now there's a new dress color fad...

Now I see a white purse, however, Kate Spade has fully described it as being 'blue,' which leaves me more confused than ever. Haha!

So apparently the TRUE color is 'mystic blue,' so why do we all see/perceive colors differently? Well, it's all about biology and the way human eyes and brains have evolved to see color in sunlight.

'Light enters the eye through the lens—different wavelengths corresponding to different colors. The light hits the retina in the back of the eye where pigments fire up neural connections to the visual cortex, the part of the brain that processes those signals into an image. Without you having to worry about it, your brain figures out what color light is bouncing off the thing your eyes are looking at, and essentially subtracts that color from the “real” color of the object." -

[ VIA: EOnline]

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