Anytime I want a day off, I just say that I am not feeling well and won't be in to work. If you think for one second that you are fooling your boss, you are wrong.

33 percent of employers have checked up on sick workers to see if they're telling the truth (including checking Facebook and Twitter), while some have gone as far as to ask for a doctor's note.

What happens if you get caught? About 20 percent of employers say they have fired someone for playing hooky, while more than half admit they just reprimanded the employee for lying.

Check out the craziest real excuses people have used for missing work:

  1. I just put a casserole in the oven.
  2. My plastic surgery needs some tweaking to get it just right.
  3. My feet and legs fell asleep when I was sitting in the bathroom, and when I stood up, I broke my ankle.
  4. I was gambling at the casino all weekend and still have money left. I need to stay to win it back.
  5. I'm stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store.
  6. I got lucky last night and don't know where I am this morning.
  7. I put my uniform in the microwave to dry and it caught fire.
  8. I accidentally got on a plane.
  9. I woke up in a good mood and don't want to ruin it.  (

What's the weirdest excuse you have used for not going into work?

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