Voice Your Opinion About A NYSEG Increase
If you are a New York State Electric and Gas customer, you could be seeing a significant increase soon. You can voice your opinion about the rate hike several different ways. Here's how.
According to CBS6 News, there is a proposal from New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) that is currently under review by the New York State Public Service Commission that will raise its electric and gas rates. But you don't have to stand by and wait. You can voice your concerns.
NYSEG wants to increase its electric and gas rates significantly. They are proposing that the average home monthly electric bill would increase ten dollars and seventeen cents and the monthly gas rate would go up a dollar and five cents. This is to offset day to day operating expenses and infrastructure investments.
The public is urged to comment on these increases. You can voice your concerns to the commission by phone: 1-800-335-2120, email: secretary@dps.ny.gov, or by mail to this address: Honorable Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary, Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350.
All comments must be received by August 26, 2019.