Track Your Stimulus Payments Here
(updated 4/14/2020} Any day now the IRS will be launching a new online tool so you can track your stimulus payments.

A few weeks ago the Federal Government agreed on a two trillion dollar stimulus package. As part of that stimulus taxpayers that qualify will get refund rebates of up to $1,200 for individuals or 2400 for couples. If you qualify for that you also qualify to get an extra $500 for each child you have under the age of 17.
The IRS has a link on their website to see if you are eligible for a stimulus payment, hand how much you can expect if you are eligible. To see if you are eligible, click here.
Once the tracking tool is available, you will be able to find it on the IRS website by clicking here.
If you moved since the last time you filed your taxes, and you didn't use direct deposit, or if you have changed your bank since, you can update your information to get your payment quicker by clicking here.
If you used direct deposit when you filed your taxes for 2019 or 18, your payment should be direct deposited into your bank. If not, your check should be mailed to you.
According to several news sources the IRS is stating that payments should be sent to some tax payers by this Wednesday.
The IRS website is saying you will be able to track your payment by the middle of April, so that tracker should be up and running sometime this week.
Speaking of the IRS, the deadline to file your federal taxes has been extended from the original date of April 15th. to the new date of July 15th.
{via: IRS]
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