Two More Shops Open in Restored Binghamton BuildingTwo More Shops Open in Restored Binghamton BuildingAdditional businesses have started operating at the Number 5 Commons development in Binghamton's South Side.Bob JosephBob Joseph
More Businesses Coming to Binghamton’s “Number 5 Commons”More Businesses Coming to Binghamton’s “Number 5 Commons”Additional business and office tenants are expected to be moving into renovated buildings at the Number 5 Commons development in Binghamton.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Businesses at Binghamton’s “Number 5 Commons” Prepare to OpenBusinesses at Binghamton’s “Number 5 Commons” Prepare to OpenWorkers are putting the finishing touches on the first businesses setting up operations at the Number 5 Commons complex on Binghamton's South Side.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Binghamton’s Historic “Number 5″ Firehouse Getting a MakeoverBinghamton’s Historic “Number 5″ Firehouse Getting a MakeoverConstruction crews are working to transform the building that housed Binghamton's iconic Number 5 restaurant into retail and office space.Bob JosephBob Joseph
Construction Starts on “Number 5 Commons” Project in BinghamtonConstruction Starts on “Number 5 Commons” Project in BinghamtonAn old structure on Binghamton's South Side has been torn down as a redevelopment project involving a historic firehouse moves forward.Bob JosephBob Joseph
A Peek Inside as Work Starts to Transform ‘Number 5′ BuildingA Peek Inside as Work Starts to Transform ‘Number 5′ BuildingConstruction workers are busy preparing a former Binghamton fire station that had been used as a restaurant for a new development called Number 5 Commons.Bob JosephBob Joseph