No Indication COVID-19 Can Be Transmitted By Food Or Take-Out Bags
During this time of crisis it's important to remember to support your local businesses as best as you can. You shouldn't be worried about doing it either.
A report from NC State University shows no indication that COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or take-out containers. The report states that drive-thru and take out meals are the most effective way of getting meals to people who need them because it actually reduces the number of "touch points."
The report clearly reads,
CDC, FDA and USDA are not aware of any reports at this time that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging. Current evidence shows the biggest risk of transmission of COVID-19 is being around individuals who are symptomatic (and to a lesser extent, infected but not showing symptoms).
The report also states that delivery is a also a good method for getting food at a local restaurant. It states "food delivery helps maintain social distancing and reduces the number of touch points between preparation and serving of food." Of course, it's still important for the preparer of the food to take proper hygienic precautions.
In the "frequently asked questions" portion of the NC State report, one question posed is "What happens in your body if you do ingest Coronavirus through food?" The answer states,
Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets. It may be possible for a person to get COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface or object and then touching their mouth, eyes or nose, but this is not thought to be the major way the virus is transmitted.
The report also touches on the item of take-out containers. It states, "The risk of transfer of viruses is very low, based on current research." That of course is an important point when it comes to COVID-19. This is a virus medical professionals are continuing to learn more about and it's always best to keep up to date with the latest findings by the CDC and other National Health Institutes.
Having said all of that, it should be repeated that you can still safely get your favorite dishes from your favorite local restaurant. Just make sure you are practicing proper hand hygiene and general hygiene protocol. Support local during this ongoing difficult time.