17 Great New York State Inventions We Are VERY Thankful For
There are literally thousands of inventions that can call New York State as their birthplace. Whole books have been written about these useful, historic, and yes, sometimes even wacky inventions. So here are 17 inventions which came out of Upstate New York which we all can be very thankful for.
Among them are some very helpful household items, some of our favorite delicious foods, and even games and sport activities. I mean, lets face it, everything had to start somewhere.
There are many surprises on this list. For example, why is the little city of Norwich (Chenango County) on this list twice? And why is the Teddy Bear really named after President Theodore Roosevelt? And what is up with that gigantic roll of Life Savers welcoming you to the city of Gouverneur? They are all great stories.
Realizing that there are an untold number of inventions from the state, we will revisit this list, probably several times in the future, to add on some more. But for starters, this list will give you a clue as to where things came from. Big (steel snow plows) and tiny (pipe cleaners) inventions all came out of Upstate New York (except one, but it was too charming of a story to leave out), and we are very thankful for both of them and the others on this list.
Betcha' Didn't Know This! 17 New York Inventions We Are Very Thankful For!
Read On! These Upstate Bars are 100, 150, and More Than 200 Years Old!