Keep Your Packages Safe!
I did about 90% of my Christmas shopping completely online this year! Each year I just get more and more annoyed with the lines, rude people and not so great deals. So now when cyber Monday rolls around, I am all ready to drop hundreds and hundreds of dollars to finish everyone on my list that day.
And shopping online like this has been great especially for crazy holidays like these. But there's that one day. The day your package arrives at your house, your very very expensive gift that you searched for, racked your brain for, and now it's just sitting on your porch. No one's home and that package will sit there ALLLL day, and while we hope there is all good in the world, theres not and many people steal those packages.
A few years ago in a town of Rochester, NY (where I'm from) a man had credited his home surveillance system for catching a guy who was stealing packages off his porch in broad daylight! People will find any way to scam/cheat just so they don't have to work for themselves, which is especially sad because imagine all the great things they could do with a malicious minds like that.
Well luckily for all of us, Yahoo! Finance just came out with 4 GREAT tips to preventing your packages from getting stolen off your porch!
1. Track your package in real time - Subscribe to text or email alerts on the status of your delivery and track your package all the way to your door. On UPS’s and FedEx's site you can see where your package is and choose a closer drop-off point, for a small fee!!
2. Bolt a lockbox outside your door - If you live in a house where you can this (not where you rent!), you might want to invest in a parcel drop box or lock box. Give your delivery man either a spare key or keycode to get in. It’s a hefty price, but it can store quite a bit, making it a good solution for small businesses, too.
3. Rent a mailbox - Some carriers won’t deliver to a P.O. box, so look into a mailbox rental service that gives you a real street address and package-acceptance from all carriers.
4. Scare thieves away with an easy trick - All of the suggestions above can be great for long-term security solutions, but what about a quick and dirty trick? For less than $20, buy and install a dummy video camera. All you need are some batteries to make the record light blink and the ability to keep a secret.
[VIA: Yahoo! ]
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