It's a weird time in weather; not sure if it's t-shirt weather or sweater weather half the time & that puts a HUGE strain on my allergies! During this time of the year is really the only time I get allergies and I think it's because the weather is constantly jumping around and my body isn't ready for it.

I'm hoping I can skip all that b.s. this year and jump in front of my allergies! So I did some research and found the most interesting ways (8) to avoid getting that cold...

1. Wash up
Every time you pick up a public pen, clutch a treadmill handle, or twist a doorknob, your hands get populated by tons of germs. That’s why experts say that washing your hands is the single best way to keep from getting sick. Suds up with soap and hot water for 20 seconds, and don't forget to scrub between your fingers and under your nails.

2. Hang out with friends
Research shows that the fewer human connections we have at home, work, and in the community, the more likely we are to get sick. Stop by a co-worker's office for a quick catch-up or email or text your friends at night to stay in touch when you're too busy for phone calls

3. Crank up the humidifier
Low humidity dries out nasal passages, making it harder to trap and eliminate the microbugs that settle in your sinuses and cause colds. Help moisten passages by running a humidifier 24/7, and keep it clean by following the manufacturer's instructions. Want an extra cold-fighting kick? Add five drops of oregano, eucalyptus, or peppermint oil to the reservoir to reduce germs and freshen the air.

4. Get some sun
People with the lowest vitamin D levels were 36% more likely to have upper respiratory infections compared with those with the most D. Experts recommend relying on fish, dairy, and supplements to get the recommended 1,000 IU each day.

5. Practice tai chi
This Eastern exercise revs your body's cold-fighting defenses by as much as 47% (and even triples the protection you get from a flu shot). The secret to tai chi's elixir-like quality, lies in its slow movements and controlled breathing.

6. Give your toothbrush some breath time
One trick to avoid catching their germs: Keep your toothbrushes separate. Put them in separate holders and shake after using so that they dry fast—germs don't thrive well on dry surfaces.

7. Observe kitchen etiquette
Change your dish towels every day and don't dry dishes with the same towel that you use for your hands. Even better, let them air dry. Clean your sponges in the dishwasher and change them often.

8. Up your omega-3 intake
If you don't love fish (or don’t eat the recommended two servings per week), pop an omega-3 supplement daily to reap the fatty acid's impressive immune-fortifying properties. Research shows the stuff can increase airflow and protect lungs from colds and respiratory infections.

Hope this helps us all not sick this year & hey it's all great things to continue doing year round!


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