Waterman Conservation Center on Southern Tier Close Up
Speaking on the this week's edition of the weekly local public affairs program: Southern Tier Close Up, Fred L. Waterman Conservation and Education Center Director Scott MacDonald talks about the mission of the center and its progress over the past 41 years.
MacDonald also talks about the challenges of operating the properties in Apalachin, Windsor and the Town of Union, which includes obtaining grants, contributions and holding fund-raising events. Two fund-raising events are quickly coming up.
MacDonald says a non-scary Halloween Carnival is being held at the main Education Center at 403 Hilton road, Apalachin Saturday October 28 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. with games, crafts, treats, a costume contest, food and drinks. Admission is $4 for members and $6 for non-members with refreshments and games available for a small fee.
The Fred L. Waterman Conservation Education Center will host a dinner and magic show Friday, November 10 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Stage Front Dining area at Tioga Downs. MacDonald says the resort executive chef is preparing the buffet while Phil Crosson, Artist of Magical Illusion will entertain diners as they "Celebrate the Magic of Waterman Center." Reservations are required online at www.watermancenter.org or by calling Waterman at (607) 625-2221. (MacDonald cautions the center's website had been experiencing problems. If people can't connect, they should call the center to reserve a seat.)
Waterman Center is open year-round Monday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Southern Tier Close Up is heard Sunday at 6 am on Wild 104.