To Those Who Work In The Heat Of The Day – I Salute You
So, how are you enjoying the weather now that we are safely distanced from winter and its relentless snow, ice and cold temperatures? I'm am as they say (whoever 'they' are) "happy as a clam in high water."
Lately, we've been experiencing a heat wave, one that I'd rather have back off a bit. My perfect outside temperature is around 72 and low humidity. That seems to happen a lot less that desired here in the greater Binghamton area.
Summer is just at its beginning stages, and we will probably be in for another long hot season. Earlier this week during this recent heat wave, part of our office experienced an HVAC issue, causing temperatures to rise inside a bit higher than most of us like. It was a temporary inconvenience, but as I thought about it, It hit me upside the head how lucky my co-workers and I are to be able to spend our workdays in a climate controlled atmosphere while many in the workforce don't have that same opportunity.
I think about those whose work requires them to be out in the elements day in and day out. Police Officers for example who walk a beat or ride a bike everyday wearing heavy gear. It's a tough job to begin with aside from dealing with extreme hot and cold temperatures. That goes for any emergency personnel who work outside every day.
Anyone who works construction has my respect working in the hottest part of the day. If you are a house painter, someone who is a roofer or road construction crew, I give you props. There's no escaping the sun and heat during your workday.
And those hard working men and women who work in the paving industry have to deal with the heat everywhere they turn. How about those who work in the fields on the farm? Ever try to work with hay in the heat of summer? That's a workout with a lot of sweat.
I could go on and on describing those who make a living outside in all kinds of weather. Can't forget about those who work inside a business with no air-conditioning. Like kitchen workers who bust their butt in an already hot climate.
No matter what your profession is, if you work outside during the heat of summer without the comfort of air-conditioning, you have my respect. Hopefully your compensation is the reward for hard work.
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