The man convicted of killing a 12-year-old Binghamton girl in 1984 is again scheduled to appear before a New York State parole board.

Bob Joseph/ WNBF NEWS
Bob Joseph/ WNBF NEWS

James Wales, a convicted sex offender, who killed Cherie Ann Lindsey while she was collecting money on her newspaper route almost 35 years ago, is due for a parole hearing in March.

Wales was sentenced to 33 years to life in prison for the murder. He is currently serving time at the Elmira Correctional Facility.

As with the last time news surfaced about possible parole for Wales, the Lindsey family and supporters are sending petitions to the parole board urging the 70-year-old not be considered for release.

Petitions are being sent to the Department of Corrections at Comments on the case must reference James B. Wales and inmate number: DIN84c1060.

Cherie Lindsey’s father, David Lindsey was a Binghamton Police Officer at the time of his daughter’s murder.


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