5 New York State Bills Waiting To be Signed That You Didn’t Know Existed
Recently I dove into the New York State Government website to take a look at some of the laws that went into effect in 2023. There are a lot more than I realized.
As of December 19, 2023, 728 bills/legislation were signed into law this year, with 89 awaiting Governor Kathy Hochul's signature, along with 70 that were vetoed.
Check this out: 5 NYS Laws You Didn't Know Even Existed
Here are five New York State bills still awaiting a pass or veto I found interesting, that you may not be aware of.
Senate Bill S4099 - Contests, Competitions, Tournaments, and Derbys to Take Wildlife
UPDATE: This bill was signed into law on December 21. See details HERE.
This bill was first introduced in February of 2023 and was delivered to Governor Hochul at the beginning of December to veto or reject.
This bill will make it unlawful for any person to organize, sponsor, conduct, promote or participate in any contest, competition, tournament,or derby with the objective of taking or hunting wildlife for prizes forother inducement, or for entertainment. This does not include contests for hunting white-tailed deer, turkey, bear, or fishing contests.
Senate Bill S490 - Maintenance of Abandoned Cemeteries
Have you ever driven by a cemetery that appears to be abandoned? That is sad. Well, this legislation aims to fix that in New York State. This bill is awaiting the Governor's signature:
Relates to the maintenance of abandoned cemeteries; authorizes a solvent not-for-profit cemetery corporation that merges with an abandoned cemetery in a city to apply for state funds for the maintenance of an abandoned cemetery.
Senate Bill S582 - Sale of Sodium Nitrate & Sodium Nitrite to Persons 21 & Under
This legislation awaiting the Governor's signature, was introduced back in January 2023.
Section 1 creates a new section of the General Business Law to prohibit the sale of sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite to individuals under the age of 21, requires businesses to check ID for the sale of sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite, and creates a fine of up to $250 for a first offense or $500 for subsequent offenses.
Senate Bill S110 - Ensure Public Access to Commercial Garage Charging Stations
This law awaiting Kathy Hochul's signature is of interest to anyone in New York State who owns an electric vehicle.
Section 1 amends the state finance law by adding a new section 18-a to define "commercial garage" and to require a commercial garage owner or operator to develop and implement a policy to ensure public access to electric vehicle charging if they receive state funds or other forms of state assistance for projects involving the installation of electric vehicle charging stations.
Assembly Bill A4956 - Emergency Heating Energy Assistance Program Benefit
Ever get hit with an electric shut-off notice? It's not something you want to find in your mailbox. This bill was introduced in February this year and is currently awaiting a yes or no from the Governor.
Establishes an emergency heating energy assistance program benefit to provide emergency assistance to certain households where such household is threatened with shut-off or an energy emergency due to nonpayment.
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