My wife and I have been spending what seems like more and more money when comes to feeding wild birds in our home backyard. For years, we tried to attract birds, but the only thing we did attract were squirrels who love to perform their high wire acts on top of our birdhouse, usually destroying it in their quest to get to the bird seed.

So for several years, we gave up. But, we decided to give it a try at the campground where we have a travel trailer during the warm months of the year. Well, it didn't take long for the community of birds to latch onto our birdfeeder at camp.

And a couple years after that, we tried again at home, and our birdfeeder has finally become a popular items with all kinds of local birds. And speaking of birds, I am most in awe of the Bald Eagle.

We are fortunate to have Bald Eagles in the Southern Tier of New York and Northeast Pennsylvania. As a mater of fact, about a half-dozen were seen at our campground this past weekend flying overhead. It was really a magnificent sight to see.

And speaking of eagles, did you hear about this? According to an article in the NYS DEC website, on June 22nd, the department received a report of an eaglet stuck in a tree in the Town of Fenton.

The article states that Environmental Conservation Officer Wing, responded to the incident. The eaglet was stuck just below its nest 120 feet up in a tree on a hill across from the Chenango River and Route 88.

Officer Wing contacted The NYS DOT and a DOT climber arrived to to climb the tall tree and free the eaglet. The bird was safely secured and transferred to the care of the NYS DEC Wildlife staff.

The NYS DEC notes that the eaglet was transferred to the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital at Cornell University. A heroic deed from our New York State Officers - Lieutenant Rigoli, NYS DOT Officers Christian Klecha and Ryan Ashley, along with ECO Wing.

Eaglet Rescue

From left to right: Lt. Rigoli, Christian Klecha (DOT), Ryan Ashley (DOT), and ECO Wing with rescued young eagle (Photo provided by

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