Insects get a bad rap. They can be very annoying to people. But, many serve a positive purpose on this planet My biggest dislikes are gnats, ticks, and ants. Gnats are the most annoying things on the planet in my opinion.

On the subject of insects, in the fall of 2021, Field & Stream published an article on the '12 Deadliest Insects In the World.' Well, 10, because two on the list are not insects - spiders and scorpions. Field & Stream threw them in there anyway because as they say in the article... "basically if it’s creepy and crawly and can kill, it’s on the list."

At least six of these deadliest pests (insects or not) can be found in the Empire State. In no particular order.

The first is the Mosquito, which is the deadliest insect in the world. As Field & Stream points out, some of the diseases from Mosquitoes include Malaria, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Zika, Chikungunya, and Lymphatic Filariasis.

Mosquito on human hand

Also on the list of insects that can be found in New York State includes Bees. For those allergic to bees, a sting or several stings can be fatal. Even someone like me who isn't really allergic to bee stings, can be sent to the hospital with multiple stings as happened on my birthday a few years ago. Happy Birthday to me that day!

Yellow Jacket

Ants. Annoying and they get in my house and camper. Even when I'm outside relaxing, while reading the latest edition of Trailer Magazine, almost always one is crawling up my leg. Field & Stream notes that some people are or can become allergic to the venom of Fire Ants, possibly causing anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal due to a bite. The article also delves into the nasty Driver Ants and Bullet Ants.

Red fire ant worker on tree, closeup, focus on head and Jaw

Fleas don't seem like they could be an issue (and they thrive in New York State), but according to Field  Stream, did you know that around 25 million people died during the Black Plague in Europe in the 14th Century? Cases of plague still exist around the world, although low, and almost non-existent in the United States. The illness can now be effectively treated with antibiotics.

Flea side profile pests for dogs

Let's not forget the lovely Tick. Can you say Lyme disease? Field & Stream says there are 16 diseases related to the Tick The deadliest is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever with a fatality rate of 30 percent in certain untreated patients. Even though it's not really an insect, Field & Stream put this creature on the list so we will go with it.

Wood tick

Then there's the Black Widow Spider, or most likely to be found here, the Northern Black Widow Spider. According to the Michigan State University, this spider is found throughout the eastern US, including New York State.

The venom of a widow spider is 15 times more toxic than that of rattlesnakes. However, due to the small amount of the venom injected into the bite, widow bites are far less serious. There is less than 1% mortality (mostly children) of persons bitten by black widows. - Michigan State University

Black Widow

The other four on Field & Steam's list of 12 Deadliest Insects in the World include the Kissing Bug, Tsetse Fly, Indian Red Scorpion, and Deathstalker Scorpion. Brazilian Wandering Spider and the Brown Recluse Spider.

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