As if being hundreds of feet underground isn't spooky enough, now you can take a haunted cave tour, just an hour from Utica.

Tickets are on sale now for the haunted cave tours, "Howe Caverns, The Underworld." The tours start on September 25th, and will run through Halloween.

According to the new website for the tour,, there's more to the ancient caverns than meets the eye. "Howe Caverns was discovered in 1842 by Lester Howe and he started giving tours so everyone could witness its true beauty.  However, what Lester kept hidden from others is what is truly disturbing, a secret that has been protected for more than 175 years, a secret that could change the world as we know it."

The "legend" says the 'Keepers of the Cave' prevent the creatures that dwell below the earth from escaping and mixing with humankind.

Tours leave every 15 minutes, and run for 45-60 minutes. Tickets are $50 each. The tour is so scary, it's not recommended for anyone with a medical condition, or anyone who is "not able to walk approximately 1 mile and go up and down about 139 steps."

This is just one of the many special tours offered by Howe Caverns. They also host 'Naked in a Cave' -  and annual event where attendees can explore the cave in the dude - except for shoes and socks.



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