I grew up hearing the rumor that there was bat poop in peanut butter and insect casings in cereal (I had mean older siblings haha), but of course you never want to believe it's true.

Well you may hate me after reading this, and possibly will never eat again but what if those gross things are actually in our food? A website, Live Science, collected a list of gross things the FDA allows in food. Now when I first opened this article it was VERY difficult for me to to puke everywhere ...

These are allowable limits on "defects" in more than 100 foods; for example highlighting exactly how much rodent poop is allowed in your cocoa beans, how many insect heads it's OK to find in the fig paste in your cookies and plenty of more gross things that will make you never want to eat again.

According to the FDA these food defects are part of the normal process of growing and processing food, and they present no health hazard as long as they remain below the "action levels" listed.

TSM Binghamton
TSM Binghamton

So without further ado, 6 (out of 11) GROSS things allowed in our food...

1. Ground-up insects. - It's impossible to prevent it sometimes. So a jar of cinnamon can have about 400 insect fragments, jar of oregano can have THOUSANDS, and an ounce of the stuff in Fig Newtons can contain up to four insect heads....

2. Mold - Lots of foods have trace amounts of it, including ketchup. But the grossest one might be canned peaches. The FDA allows up to 3% of them to be, quote, "wormy or moldy."

3. Rat hair - It's found in a lot of spices, but also ends up in peanut butter, chocolate, and pasta.

4. Mouse poop - There are small traces of it in everything from popcorn to flour. The FDA only allows about five to ten milligrams per pound though.

5. Maggots - A 24-ounce jar of tomato sauce can have one-and-a-half maggots in it. and some orange juice can have the equivalent of one maggot per CUP.

6. Cigarette butts - A tiny amount of random "foreign matter" is allowed in salt, pepper, certain spices, and things like sesame seeds. And it's not unheard of for ground-up cigarettes to get in there....

Now that I've just thrown up a bunch of times... if you want the full list it's right here!
[VIA: LiveScience ]

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