Ever Seen A Fake New York State Inspection Sticker As Bad As This?
We certainly have heard the word 'fake' a lot over the past few years. Most of the time it's in reference to 'fake news.' That's mostly about political references and I prefer to stay away from that debate.
Other than that, we hear about fake calls on the phone or fake offers on social media. You know, the call you get about your vehicle's extended warranty running out. That's fake. And the list goes on and on having to do with the word 'fake', like a fake driver's license, passport, birth certificate, someone else's check, vaccination card, etc. You know faking any document is illegal.
Well, here's a new one I never heard of or seen. I was looking at the website My Twin Tiers in Elmira, and they had a story out of Mechanicsville, NY about a fake New York State registration sticker.

The Mechanicsville, NY Police Department Facebook page put up a picture of a New York State inspection sticker next to one that had been hand-drawn. Take a look at the photo of the fake inspection sticker from the Mechanicsville Facebook post. I think you'll get a chuckle out of it.
I have to give the person credit for trying to draw an exact copy, and I guess with the vehicle in motion, it might be a bit hard to tell if it's real or fake, but for a traffic stop, that's not going to work so well.
And that's a reminder to check your inspection and registration stickers to make sure you are legal. I've been guilty of forgetting from time to time, only to glance over to those stickers and discover that one or both have expired. Both are good for one year in New York State and mean your vehicle is safer for you and everyone else on the roadways.
via My Twin Tiers, Mechanicsville Police Department
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