We all know that Monday's can be some of the most stressful! Trying to catch up on things you were supposed to do over the weekend, but now Monday is here and you STILL haven't done them! Or just the simple realization that the week is starting and Friday is soooo far away!

So why not embrace Monday! Yeah, you read that right haha! Embrace Mondays by coping with your stress, take acknowledgement that you're still breathing and can make the most out of life, like this psychology teacher in California!

A psych teacher in CA. recently gave students a list of '101 ways to de-stress' their lives and since one student has posted it online, it's gone viral!!! Since reading this list, I have printed it out & taped it on my mirror above my dresser so that I can in fact look at it every day and remember to smile despite all the s***!

Here's just a few tips from the list:

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier. But make sure you get enough sleep.
2. Don't rely on your memory. Write stuff down if you need to remember it.
3. Say "no" more often. (Basically don't over-commit yourself to stuff!)
4. Simplify your meals. You don't need everything to be gourmet and complicated.
5. Break up large tasks into smaller tasks.
6. Stop trying to "fix" other people.
7. Look up at the stars. It helps you put things in perspective.
8. Pay attention to your breathing, and stretch. (Which is kind of what yoga is!)
9. Strive for excellence, NOT perfection.
10. Freely praise other people. It'll make you feel better about YOURSELF too.

[Full list --> BuzzFeed ]

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