CNY Teen Erasing Millions in Medical Debt
WOW. This Jamesville teen raised over $20,000 that she’s now donating to pay off nearly $7 million in medical debt across Central New York.
Talk about a stellar student, right? According to a Youtube video for her campaign Project Eraser, 18-year-old Talia Zames decided to start raising money for others after her family struggled to pay off medical bills when her little sister was rushed to the hospital with severe internal bleeding. Although the Zames family had medical insurance to cover some of the $150,000 bill, their portion was still around $30,000.
Not all families are so lucky. My little sister survived, my parents paid the bills, but now I want to pay it forward.
According to Syracuse.com, Zames raised money on her website and raised awareness through speeches at her school, Christian Brothers Academy, and her synagogue, Congregation Beth Sholom – Chevra Shas, in Jamesville. She said people were more motivated to help her cause when they heard the full story.
Zames partnered with RIP Medical Debt, who will distribute the $6.7 million in debt relief to 8,860 people in need in Onondaga, Madison and Oneida counties, according to Syracuse.com. New York residents who are getting their debt erased should receive letters by mail notifying them around Friday.
Zames just graduated from high school last month and will attend Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall and has hopes to attend medical school after college, according to Syracuse.com.
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