Can’t Find a Camping Chair? It Might Be Because Demand Is Up by 128 Percent
It's silly. A first-world problem, really, and yet I'm sad about it. My family is going on our second summer of not being able to vacation at our cabin in Canada thanks to the border closure.
The United States/ Canadian border has been closed for the last year and a half and according to my friends in Ontario, my family shouldn't expect for it to re-open until sometime in 2022.
Now, the 2022 opening isn't anything official, it's just the thought of my friends who tell me that Canada is really far behind the United States in controlling COVID. As a matter of fact, last week Canadian officials announced the border closure would be extended yet again, this time through June 21.
This has been the pattern of the last year. Officials have dangled a border opening carrot in front of us and then yanked it away as the deadline has approached each time.
Our cabin is located in an area that's only accessible by boat so we're sure that it hasn't been humans in any case. Critter infestation might be a completely different story and that is a bit terrifying.
If you're in the states and have a cabin or campground that you've got access to, it's almost a sure bet that you'll be there in the next few weeks. According to Pattern which is a global eCommerce company, there's an excellent chance that just about everyone you know will be camping, if not this Memorial Day weekend, then at some point over the summer.
And, if you've had a hard time finding camping supplies, it might be because the demand for tents is up 97 percent this year. Demand for sleeping bags is up 73 percent and are you ready for this? This is a figure you might not have expected...the demand for camping chairs is up by 128 percent this year.
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