List of Things Grocery Store Employees Beg People to Stop Doing
With the stay-at-home orders continuing during the Coronavirus pandemic a lot of people's nerves are starting to fray. One of the busiest places during this pandemic seems to be the grocery stores. People are out shopping to get necessities, and a lot of them seem to be showing frustration over the entire situation.
BuzzFeed spoke with some grocery store employees and asked them what they wished customers would stop doing during this pandemic. Here are a few of the results.
They suggest that you come alone to the store. It shouldn't be a family outing unless you really have no one to watch the kids. The more children in the store, means more touching of items which could spread the disease. They also asked that you don't touch items that you don't intend to buy.
They also want you to observe people's personal space. That includes the workers who are stocking the shelves as well as the people that are waiting in line. They encourage people to adhere to any marks that are on the floor to help with social distancing.
Also if you are sick, they ask that you have someone else get the groceries for you or have groceries delivered to your house.
Another thing that made the list of grocery store workers pet peeves, is people complaining about items being out of stock. Keep in mind, that it is not the cashier's fault that people are hoarding certain items. The stores don't want empty shelves and are doing everything they can to restock items that customers want and need. That includes asking people stocking the shelves if they can go in the back to see if there's any toilet paper in the back. The answer is no.
Grocery store employees also wish people would stop whining about limits placed on sought-after items such as hand sanitizer or toilet paper. These are put in place so everyone has a chance to get the essentials they need.
And finally they want the customers be kind. These workers are putting themselves and family at risk to make sure people can get their necessities.
Keep in mind the starting pay at most grocery stores is minimum wage. And right now these people are at great risk of coming down with a Coronavirus due to the interaction they are having with the general public.
Instead of taking your frustrations out on them, why don't you thank them for being there so you can get your groceries for yourself and your family.
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[via BuzzFeed]
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