Adventures in Homeownership: Val vs. Mice
In the latest edition of "is this seriously happening" - aka - TT moments, it's Val vs. mice in the house. So far, i'm losing...
A few weeks ago I was wrapping the final Christmas presents and finishing stuffing the stockings and noticed that a bag of peanut butter M&Ms that I was positive I purchased was missing. I looked all over, even checked my receipt to be sure that I actually did buy them, and eventually moved on.
Fast forward, late last week my 2 cats were running around crazy and staring at the walls and the ceiling in the middle of the night - why you ask - because they heard a mouse. Begin freak-out #1.
Next morning I went downstairs to my unfinished basement, and to my surprise, found the following:
PEANUT.BUTTER.M&M'S!!! Everywhere.
There's a video but the language is NSFW.
I knew I wasn't crazy, and that I had bought the M&Ms to put in a stocking, what I didn't know was Mickey, Minnie and the gang got to them before Santa had a chance to deliver.
Needless to say I now have traps all over my house, managed to catch one (freak-out #2), but there's obviously more - and I know this because even after I cleaned the basement, more M&Ms keep appearing down there.
I also ripped my garage apart, where I had stored the Christmas stuff that needed wrapping, and eventually found the EMPTY bag, across the garage in a back corner, completely chewed through.
Being a homeowner is cool and all, but M&M stealing rodents, I must have missed that part of adulting 101...