Zoom Conference Calls Being Hacked
If you are working from home and are using remote conferencing services you better be very careful. Some of these conference calls have been getting hacked since almost everything has gone virtual. According to FOX 29, the Zoom conference calls have been getting interrupted mid-conference. Not only have work meetings been hacked but also school classes.
It was mentioned on FOX 29 that bulgar language as well as impolite and improper images have been sent during the conference calls and classes. It was stated on FOX 29 that a spokesperson for Zoom has mentioned that they are "deeply upset to hear about the incidents involving this type of attack.” The FBI has been involved with these incidents and Zoom has made it clear that they are taking the "security of its meetings seriously.”
FOX 29 also mentioned that all teachers using Zoom have been instructed to require a password to be a part of the class.
Be very careful with conference calls while we are all practicing social distancing.