
Staying Hopeful After A Bad Date
Staying Hopeful After A Bad Date
Staying Hopeful After A Bad Date
I definitely had more bad dates than good dates before I started seeing my now fiancé. After some of the worst dates, I always assumed that I would be alone forever, but luckily, that was not the case.
Funny ways to say "fart"
Funny ways to say "fart"
Funny ways to say "fart"
There are two guys who just wrote an entire book called “The Fart Tootorial”.  They claim to have found 150 different terms people use to describe passing gas. If there was ever a doubt about how immature I am, then let me clear the air (pun intended) that I laughed the entire time that I wrote this blog...
Dad pranks daughter!
Dad pranks daughter!
Dad pranks daughter!
In my life, I have dealt with a lot of bride's and if learned one thing in my life it is to NEVER mess with a woman on her wedding day...UNLESS you are her dad!

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