New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced that nearly $5 million was awarded to animal shelters to make improvements to living conditions and medical care.
Betty White would have turned 100 years old on January 17th. Take the Betty White Challenge and celebrate her birthday in a way that would make her proud.
The Quacktivities are back for the 2021 BC Humane Society's Duck Derby at its new location. The more ducks you adopt, the better your chance to win $5,000 on Sunday.
Sarah Jayne Orton may have been little, but she loved animals in a huge way. Sarah died at the age of five, but her legacy continues through our community.
If vintage toys, trains, and collectibles are something you enjoy, this is your opportunity to re-live childhood and support the Broome County Humane Society.
When was the last time you explored the shoes in your closet that have been sitting there collecting dust? Chances are you have a pair or two or maybe a whole bunch of shoes that could benefit a Southern Tier animal shelter and be put to good use for needy people across the world.