This will be a day long remembered.

May the fourth is known as "Star Wars day" by movie fans. An excuse to celebrate all things from a galaxy far, far away, the day is usually spent watching movies and geeking out over Star Wars trivia.

One fan, however, decided to use the day as an opportunity to do something impressive... most impressive.

Facebook/Northern Dutchess Hospital
Facebook/Northern Dutchess Hospital

On Monday, staff members at Northern Dutchess Hospital were surprised by a visit from a member of the Galactic Empire. A stormtrooper entered the front doors of the hospital. But instead of looking for droids, he was there on a more diplomatic mission.

The visit was made to donate 200 face shields to help assist healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19. Erick Spader, a member of Northern Dutchess Hospital's bariatric support group, dressed up in his stormtrooper gear to bring the much-needed supplies along with some smiles to the staff.

Facebook/Northern Dutchess Hospital
Facebook/Northern Dutchess Hospital

As many people know, personal protection equipment, or PPE, is something many hospitals are currently lacking. Short of traveling to the spice mines of Kessel, hospitals and local governments have been doing their best at tracking down the much-needed equipment. The donation of face shields will help protect healthcare workers on the front lines in the fight against coronavirus.

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